Dr. Erene Soliman's Psych​ological Practice

About the Practice
For more information please call or email Dr. Erene Soliman, Psy.D.
P: (559)449-2734
F: (559) 449-2733
Police Resources
Police Resources
Erene Soliman, Psy.D.
5151 N. Palm Suite 500
Fresno, CA 93704
office phone: 559 449 2734
secure email: erenesoliman@erenesolimanpsyd.hush.com
secured text messaging: Dr. Soliman Registration | Curest Health - TREBOW
•K and L Clinical Forensic Practice¬- Phone: 415-737-9593; Fax: 559-277-3054; Email: kandlclincal@gmail.com ; Website: kandlclincalforencispcactice.com
•Dr. Anderson- Phone: 559-825-1633; Email: Dr.Anderson@ValleyPsychServices.com
•Fresno Police Chaplaincy/ Resilience Program- Phone: 559-621-2120; Website: https://fresnopdchaplaincy.org/resiliency-center/ ; Address: The Resiliency Center 905 N. Fulton Street Fresno, CA 93728
•Nicole Luk, Ph.D.- Phone: 559-298-2229; Email: nicole@dr-luk.com ; Website: www.dr-luk.com
Foundations and Helplines
The National Police Suicide Foundation was founded in 1997 and
was granted 501(c)3 status as a non-profit educational foundation. Donations to the
foundation are tax deductible. The foundation was created due to the increasing number
of suicides in the police profession, and it has grown to include emergency responders.
Dr. Robert E. Douglas, Jr.
Founder and Executive Director of the National Police Suicide Foundation,
Inc. is a retired police agent from the Baltimore City Police Department. Mr. Douglas is
considered a leading expert in the area of police suicide, according to DATELINE, CNN,
Time Magazine, and USA Today.
•National Police Suicide Foundation – psf.org – Dr. Robert Douglas https://www.psf.org/about-us – Provides training and support – 24 hour/7 days – Phone: Cell (689) 213 0519; Toll Free: (863) 875-2298; email: redoug2320@gmail.com
Safe Call now is a CONFIDENTIAL, comprehensive, 24-hour crisis referral service for all public safety employees, all emergency services personal and their family members nationwide. Make a Safe Call Now. Founded by Sean Riley. Safe Call Now provides education, healthy alternatives, resources and a complete continuum of care to save lives and put families back together. Through a collaborative effort, Safe Call Now has discovered when you provide an opportunity for an individual to get their life and their family back, you get one great employee back out serving the public." - Sean Riley, Founder/President
•Safe Call Now- https://www.safecallnow.org/ - Phone: 206-459-3020
Serve & Protect is an award winning non-profit founded in 2011 by former MP and Norfolk Police Detective Robert Michaels. The mission of Serve & Protect is to provide trauma related services to include facilitating trauma informed therapists for public safety and medical providers. We locate a therapist near the caller who takes their insurance and understands their job. In addition, we provide national peer support for public safety professionals and their spouses as well as medical providers. Our work is free. Since 2011, we have placed more than 6,000 in treatment. We are confidential and nationwide.
•Serve & Protect- Phone: 615-373-8000. Call and follow the voice prompts. Website: Serveprotect.org – For severe PTSD – Phone: (615) 224-2424 (Administration) or (615) 373-8000
Code 9 Heroes and Families United: Making First Responder Mental Health a priority. Our mission is to work towards positive change in the First Responder Culture as we continue to raise awareness, advocate, train and educate on the devastating effects of PTSD for First Responders and Families.
•Code 9 Heroes and Families United- Website- Code9.org
Copline.org – Helps with PTSD – International hotline. Immediate and confidential support
•copline.org – Please call 1-800-267-5463 (1-800-COPLINE)
West Coast PTSD – First Responders Support network – Retreat opportunities for first responders, significant other and spouses
•West Coast PTSD- Phone: (415) 721-9789
Concerns of Police Summons¬¬ -Phone: 573-346-4911; Fax: 573-346-1414; Email: cops@nationalcops.org Office Hours M-F 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Central Time Website: concernsofpolicesurvivors.org
Therapy Directories
•Liberate Meditation