Dr. Erene Soliman's Psych​ological Practice

About the Practice
For more information please call or email Dr. Erene Soliman, Psy.D.
P: (559)449-2734
F: (559) 449-2733
According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), 1 in 5 Americans suffers from a mental disorder. Do not be afraid to seek help. If you need immediate help, please call 911 and/or go to your local emergency room. Below is a list of resources that are available. LiveWell Behavioral Health Counseling Center is another local resource that can serve a culturally diverse clientele in Fresno, CA. Additional information can be found at livewellbhc.com
Online Resources
Empowers deaf and blind survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and harassment
*Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing approved!*
Designed to help victims become survivors and promote recovery after sexual violence.
Provides information and resources about relationship abuse, barriers for leaving, and safety planning tips.
Provides parents and teachers with resources, training, and support to prevent child abuse.
Provides support for victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in the Deaf community.
Provides information and training for parents, kids, and professionals in order to prevent child abuse.
Anti-trafficking hotline and resource center serving victims and survivors of human trafficking.
Information, resources, and confidential hotline for sexual assault, abuse survivors, and prevention.
Provides tools for meditation, relaxation, and breathing exercises.
Provides audio files for guided relaxation, meditation, mindfulness, and imagery exercises.
National directory of homeless shelters, dental/medical clinics, rent assistance, relief organizations, women's shelters, soup kitchens, food banks, etc.
Offers military families a wide range of support for many aspects of military life.
60-second meditation tool to ease worries and release bothersome thoughts.
Provides easy guided meditations and breathing exercises for beginners.
Provides students with tips on balancing and prioritizing the demands of school, work, family and friends.
Provides short activities to guide people through meditation for mindfulness and compassion.
Provides guidance on how to prevent and handle bullying incidents for deaf children.
Support victims of non-consensual pornography, revenge porn, and other forms of online abuse.
Provides information and advice for advocates and victims of bullying, cyberbullying, sexting, and other forms of abuse.
Federal website with resources on bullying, cyberbullying prevention, and responses to bullying.
Shares resources and tips for victims experiencing online privacy violations and harassment.
Promotes prevention, treatment and support for anxiety, depression and related disorders.
Provides exercises for increased self-esteem, self-worth, and ultimately self-love.
Information on mental illness and connects students with resources to decrease stigma and encourage healthy dialogue.
Provides support and education to improve the lives of people who have mood disorders.
Resources addressing symptoms and treatment of psychological, emotional and social health.
Provides information and advocacy for those affected by mental illness.
Provides treatment centers, hotlines, therapy options and clinical trials for people with mental illnesses.
Assists with PTSD symptoms using self-assessment, symptom management, support and education.
Eating/Body Image
Eating/Body Image
Online and live communities who support each other in their struggle to recover from eating disorders.
Provides nutrition education and online tools to create healthier lifestyle choices.
Supports and educates individuals struggling with eating disorders and their families.
Advocates for individuals and families affected by eating disorders.
Online community promoting positive body image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight.
Supports recovery and tracks progress for people with eating disorders.
Gender/Sexual Identity
Gender/Sexual Identity
Provides individuals, groups, schools, and advocates with resources about gender and sexuality.
Provides information and multi-level resources about transgender people and the issues such as healthcare, homelessness and civil rights.
Provides LGBTQ community and their loved ones with information, tools, resources, advocacy, education and support.
Hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender and gender-questioning people experiencing a crisis.
Provides LGBTQ youth with resources and crisis intervention services.
Provides support in a safe place where children, teens, young adults, and their families grieving a death can share their experiences.
Provides comfort, hope and healing to children and families affected by grief, including Camp Erin for bereaved children and teens.
Provides information on supporting children through grief, including a national database of grief support programs, camps, and community resources.
Provides support for bereaved parents, siblings, and grandparents who have lost a child at any age from any cause. Offers local and virtual chapter meetings.
Provides support and a sense of safety for people who have experienced loss, life-threatening illnesses, violence, or other trauma.
Anonymous online support groups that connects people who share similar hardships.
This website creates initiatives for small acts of kindness--for anyone, anywhere--to create a sense of purpose and community.
Find and connect with local groups of people who share common interests.
Addresses the challenges of relationship break-ups and provides ways to cope with those emotions.
Educates young people to prevent and end abusive relationships by offering support and resources.
Top 20 strategies to cope with a relationship break-up.
A peer-driven blog site for those who struggle with self-harm.
Lists numerous distraction techniques and alternative coping skills for dealing with self-harm.
A practical workbook providing tools to curb urges and support recovery for people who self-harm.
Free guided meditations and ambient sounds with ability to connect with like-minded meditators.
Finds help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicidal thoughts.
Substance Use
Substance Use
Helps family and friends recover from the effects of someone else's drinking through a 12-step program including regular attendance at group meetings.
Recovery from alcohol addiction through a 12-step program including regular attendance at group meetings.
Helps family and friends of addicts recover from the effects of living with an addicted relative or friend.
Recovery from drug addiction through a 12-step program including regular attendance at group meetings.
Provides support through online groups and carries the message of recovery.
Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention
Provides resources for suicide prevention, grief support and education for individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts/feelings.
Assists in creating a safety plan when feeling unsafe.
Free, 24/7 support for people in crisis. Text HOME to 741741.
The "Report Suicidal Content" page on Facebook for third-party texters.
Dial (888) 457-4838 or text MIL1 to 839863 to receive 24/7 confidential crisis intervention focused on military-specific issues.
Helps create a safety plan for those experiencing suicidal thoughts, including who to contact.
Toll-free 24/7 confidential suicide prevention and crisis hotline.
Aims to prevent suicide and provide self-harm alternatives by pairing people through social media as buddies and raising awareness for mental health.
Connects users with local resources and assistance. Text zip code to 898211.
Five step grounding exercise.
Provides 24/7 confidential and expert medical advice for poisoning information and helps reduce costly hospital visits through in-home treatment.
Connects users to free and reduced cost local resources such as medical care, food, housing, transportation and much more.
Breathing exercise visual aid for anxiety or panic attacks.
Anonymous online support groups that connects people who share similar hardships.
Preserve, protect, and promote the rights of Deaf and hard of hearing individuals.
Interactive games to help people recover from various conditions while offering self-care ideas.
Online peer support group fro teens facing mental health challenges and/or difficult family dynamics.
Addresses the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and explains effective communication in regards to this act.
Self-help guide for people struggling with self-care.
Resources and 24/7 hotline for teen and young adults facing a variety of issues.